Bettering All.

Marsha Buford

Empowering the Eighth.

Integrity. Accessibility. Deep Roots.

If the 100-year-old house Marsha Buford calls home could talk, it would bear witness to some of the greatest wonders and challenges of 8th District life. The Norton Street property’s mere existence reflects care, tenacity, and resilience—the stuff its original occupants, Buford’s maternal grandparents, possessed. . . .

Marsha’s Priorities

An 8th District native, Marsha is running to REPRESENT YOU in the campaign for workforce housing, the battle for public safety, and the fight against traffic congestion.

  • Marsha understands the urgency to develop innovative strategies that increase access to housing for the workforce and their families in the 8th District and throughout Chatham County. She is committed to retaining, improving, and developing the safe, quality options our communities deserve.

  • Marsha knows that strengthening public safety goes beyond criminal justice. She supports proactive measures that curb violence by helping people meet their basic needs. She sees expanding workforce development, employment opportunities, healthcare options, and policing alternatives as key to addressing the issue.

  • Because traffic continues to congest 8th District roadways, Marsha pledges to work to implement effective solutions. She will target operational and structural improvements that reduce commute times, enhance travel safety, and better transportation options for all residents.